Lanae S., Social Media Specialist, Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture.Īnthony Burns and the Falmouth Union Church The project integrates research, training and education in the pursuit of new scholarship on the global slave trade, utilizing the lens of slave shipwrecks as its unique point of entry. National Park Service Submerged Resources Center (NPS SRC) and its Southeast Archaeological Center (NPS SEAC), the George Washington University Capitol Archaeological Institute (GWU CAI), IZIKO Museums of South Africa, the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA), and Diving With a Purpose (DWP). The Slave Wrecks Project (SWP) is a long-term collaboration between six core partners, including the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC), the U.S. And I wish that all of us were as strong as the people that walked down those steps and got on those boats.” - Lonnie Bunchĭirector Lonnie Bunch takes CBS’ Scott Pelley on a journey to Mozambique Island to discuss the ruins of the Sao Jose, a ship carrying cargo manifest records of 1,500 iron bars for ballast and more than 400 slaves bound for Brazil. “I think all Americans need to recognize that, as tragic and horrible as slavery was, as big an economic shadow as it cast, the one thing it didn’t do was strip people of their humanity. #SlaveWrecks Preserves First Known Artifacts from a Slave Ship